Mario Salerno
Prof. Mario Salerno Università degli studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica Via del Politecnico 1 Edificio: Ingegneria dell'Informazione Piano: 3°, Stanza: B3-13 Tel: 06.7259.7404 E-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. |
Mario Salerno, nato a Roma nel 1944 è Professore Ordinario alla Facoltà di Ingegneria dell'Università di Roma "Tor Vergata".
Dal 1970 svolge attività di ricerca sulla Teoria dei Circuiti e applicazioni, inclusi vari aspetti nel campo dell'elaborazione del segnale e della tecnologia digitale. Nella fine degli anni '80 è stato coinvolto in vari progetti nel campo della realizzazione di chip VLSI. A questo scopo, ha realizzato il Laboratorio Circuiti dell'Università, un laboratorio con capacità di sviluppo di ASIC digitali e analogici.
Attualmente, è coinvolto in vari progetti per lo sviluppo, realizzazione e test di reti neurali. La sua attività è comprovata da più di cento pubblicazioni scientifiche e libri.
- Compatibilità Elettromagnetica Industriale
- Elettrotecnica (Ingegneria Medica, Ingegneria Online - IOL)
- Elettrotecnica Industriale (Ingegneria Energetica, Ingegneria Medica)
- Segnali e Filtraggio Analogico/Numerico (Master in Ingegneria del Suono e dello Spettacolo)
Event-driven simulation of continuous-time neural networks
Mario Salerno, Gianluca Susi, Alessandro Cristini, Marco Re, Gian Carlo Cardarilli
2014 30th Annual Meeting of Circuit Theory Researchers (ET2014), Sorrento, IT.
Continuous-time Spiking Neural Networks: general paradigm and event-driven simulation
Mario Salerno, Gianluca Susi, Alessandro Cristini, Marco Re, Gian Carlo Cardarilli
2013 29th Annual Meeting of Circuit Theory Researchers (ET2013), Padova, IT.
Spiking Neural Networks based on LIF with Latency: Simulation and Synchronization Effects
Gian Carlo Cardarilli, Alessandro Cristini, Luca Di Nunzio, Marco Re, Mario Salerno, Gianluca Susi
2013 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 3-6 Nov. 2013, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, pp. 1838-1842. ISBN:978-1-4799-2388-5, DOI:10.1109/ACSSC.2013.6810620. IEEE CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS.
Spiking Neural Networks As Continuous-Time Dynamical Systems: Fundamentals, Elementary Structures And Simple Applications
Mario Salerno, Gianluca Susi, Alessandro Cristini, Yari Sanfelice, Andrea D’Annessa
2013 ACEEE Int. J. on Information Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2013, pp. 80-89. ISSN:2158-0138, DOI:01.IJIT.3.1.1129.
AudiNect: An Aid for the Autonomous Navigation of Visually Impaired People, Based On Virtual Interface
Mario Salerno, Marco Re, Alessandro Cristini, Gianluca Susi, Marco Bertola, Emiliano Daddario, Francesca Capobianco
2013 Int. J. of Human Computer Interaction (IJHCI), Vol. 4, Issue 1, Feb. 2013, pp. 25-33. ISSN:2180-1347.
Spiking neural networks as analog dynamical systems: basic paradigm and simple applications
Mario Salerno, Gianluca Susi, Andrea D’Annessa, Alessandro Cristini, Yari Sanfelice
2012 Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on advances in Computer Engineering, 2012, pp. 17-23. Publisher: ACEEE. ISBN:978-90-819067-8-4, DOI:02.ACE.2012.03.10.
Accurate latency characterization for very large asynchronous spiking neural networks
Mario Salerno, Gianluca Susi, Alessandro Cristini
2011 Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms, 2011, pp. 116-124. Publisher: SciTePress. ISBN:978-989-8425-36-2.
Prototype Testing of a New Laser Range Finder for Air Traffic Management
M. Salerno, G. Costantini, M. Carota, D. Casali, M. Todisco, S. Bocchetti
2010 14th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS COMMUNICATIONS and COMPUTERS, Corfu Island, Greece, July 22-25, 2010, pp. 201-205. ISSN: 1792-4235. ISBN: 978-960-474-199-1.
The Sky-Scanner System for Air Traffic Management: Test Sessions and Statistical Analysis
M. Salerno, G. Costantini, M. Carota, D. Casali, M. Todisco, G. Pomarico
2010 International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications, July 18-25, 2010, Venice/Mestre, Italy, pp. 162-166. ISBN: 978-0-7695-4094-8.
Optimal Mental Task Discrimination for Brain-Computer Interface
M. Salerno, G. Costantini, D. Casali, G. Saggio, L. Bianchi
2010 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON 2010), April 25th-28th 2010, pp. 1346-1349. ISBN: 978-1-42244-5794-6.
Fully Asynchronous Neural Paradigm
M. Salerno, D. Casali, G. Costantini, M. Carota
2010 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON 2010), April 25th-28th 2010, pp. 1039-1043. ISBN: 978-1-42244-5794-6.
A Laser Rangefinder for Air Traffic Management: Statistical Analysis of Acquired Test Session Data
M. Salerno, G. Costantini, M. Todisco, D. Casali, M. Carota, S. Bocchetti
2010 Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS, WIRELESS and OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS (ELECTRO '10), Penang, Malaysia, March 23-25, 2010, pp. 49-54. ISSN: 1790-2769, ISBN: 978-960-474-167-0.
A simulation Framework for the Sky-Scanner Project
M. Salerno, G. Costantini, M. Todisco, D. Casali, M. Carota
2010 IMCIC 2010, Orlando, USA, April 6-9, 2010.
Sky-Scanner: An Improved Decision Support System fo Air Traffic Management
M. Salerno, G. Costantini, M. Todisco, D. Casali, M. Carota, D. Rondinella, M.V. Crispino
2010 IMCIC 2010, Orlando, USA, April 6-9, 2010.
The Sky-Scanner System for Air Traffic Management: A Simulation Software
M. Salerno, G. Costantini, M. Carota, D. Casali
2010 International Journal Of Circuits, Systems And Signal Processing, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 1-8, 2010. ISSN: 1998-4464.
A Simulation Software for the Sky-Scanner System
M. Salerno, G. Costantini, D. Casali, M. Carota
2009 Proceedings of the 2th WSEAS Conference on Sensors and Signals, Baltimore, USA Nov. 7-9, 2009. pp. 185-190. ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-474-135-9.
A Simulation Tool for a Laser Based Air Traffic Management System
M. Salerno, G. Costantini, M. Todisco, D. Casali, M. Carota
2009 8th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, ELECTRONICS, CONTROL & SIGNAL PROCESSING, Puerto De La Cruz, Canary Islands, Spain, Dec. 14-16, 2009, pp. 122-127. ISBN: 978-960-474-139-7, ISSN: 1790-5117.
The Sky-Scanner Project: a General Overview
M. Salerno, G. Costantini, M. Todisco, D. Casali, M. Carota, D. Rondinella, M.V. Crispino
2009 8th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, ELECTRONICS, CONTROL & SIGNAL PROCESSING, Puerto De La Cruz, Canary Islands, Spain, Dec. 14-16, 2009, pp. 116-121. ISBN: 978-960-474-139-7, ISSN: 1790-5117.
A New Laser Technology For Air Traffic Management
M. Salerno, G. Costantini, M. Carota, D. Casali, D. Rondinella, M.V. Crispino
2009 Proceedings of the 14th AISEM Italian Conference Sensors and Microsystems, Pavia, Italy, Feb. 24-26, 2009.
Sky-Scanner: a New Paradigm for Air Traffic Management
M. Salerno, D. Rondinella, M.V. Crispino, G. Costantini, M. Carota, D. Casali
2008 International journal of circuits, systems, and signal processing, pp. 131-139, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2008, ISSN: 1998-4464.
Sky-Scanner: an Innovative LIDAR Technology for Air Traffic Management
M. Salerno, D. Rondinella, M.V. Crispino, G. Costantini, M. Carota, D. Casali
2008 Proceedings of the 1st WSEAS International Conference on SENSORS and SIGNALS (SENSIG '08), pp. 46-53. ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 978-960-474-021-5.
A customizable tool for Cellular Nonlinear Network simulation
M. Salerno, D. Casali, G. Costantini, M. Carota
2005 Proc. of ECCTD '05, European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, 29 Aug. - 2 Sept., 2005, Cork, Ireland. Pages I/83/I86, Vol. 1.
CELL: A New Interactive Tool for CNN Algorithms Implementation
M. Salerno, D. Casali, G. Costantini, M. Carota
2004 Proc. of CNNA 2004, July 22-24, 2004, Budapest, Hungary.
Automatic musical chord recognition
D. Casali, G. Costantini, M. Salerno
2002 Proc. of Understanding and Creating Music 2002, Nov. 21-25, 2002, Caserta, Italy.
Hardware-oriented algorithm for associative memories on cellular neural networks
R. Perfetti, M. Salerno, G. Costantini
2002 Proc. of IEEE International conference on CNNA'2002, 22-24 July 2002, Frankfurt, Germany, pp. 532-538.
Quad DSP based board for real time sound synthesis and processing
G. Costantini, G. Nottoli, M. Salerno, P. Serra
2000 Proc. of XIII Colloquium on Musical Informatics, Sept. 4-6, 2000, L'Aquila, Italy, pp. 159-162.
Recognition of traditional musical instruments sampled by conventional sensors
G. Costantini, M. Salerno, F.M. Frattale Mascioli
2000 Proc. of Sensor and Microsystems 2000, Feb. 12-16, 2000, Lecce, Italy, pp. 469-474.
A new interactive system for real-time sound processing and spatialization
G. Nottoli, G. Costantini, A. Sabatini, M. Salerno
1999 Proc. of Journées d'Informatique Musicale '99, May 17-19, 1999, Paris, France, pages 69-73.
A multiprocessing system for real-time sound processing and spatialization
G. Nottoli, M. Salerno, G. Costantini, A. Sabatini
1999 Proc. of EURASIP Conference for Multimedia Communications and Services '99, June 24-26, 1999, Krakow, Poland.
A dedicated hardware system for CNN stereo vision
S. Taraglio, A. Zanela, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1999 Proc. IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS '99), Volume VI, pp: 501-504, 1999. ISBN/ISSN: 7803-5474-5.
A dedicated multi-chip programmable system for Cellular Neural Networks
M . Salerno , F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1999 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Volume: 18, no 2/3, 1999, pp: 277-288. ISBN/ISSN: 0925-1030.
A new interactive performance system for real-time sound synthesis
G. Nottoli, M. Salerno, G. Costantini
1998 Proc. of International Computer Music Conference '98, Oct. 1-6, 1998, Ann Abor, Michigan, USA, pp. 33-36.
A new real-time sound synthesis system intended for live performances
G. Nottoli, M. Salerno, G. Costantini
1998 Proc. of XII Colloquium on Musical Informatics, Sept. 24-26, 1998, Gorizia, Italy, pp. 268-269.
An improved Architecture for the interconnections in a multi-chip CNN system
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1998 IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS-98), Monterey, CA, USA, May-June 1998.
A CNN Stereo Vision Hardware System for Autonomous Robot Navigation
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto, S. Taraglio, A. Zanela
1998 5-th IEEE International Workshop on CNN and their Application (CNNA98), London, United Kingdom, 1998, pp. 181-185.
A new CNN Based Tool for an Automated Morphometry Analysis of the Corneal Endothelium
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto, P. Amerini, L. Cerulli, F. Ricci
1998 5-th IEEE International Workshop on CNN and their Application (CNNA98), London, United Kingdom, 1998, pp. 169-174.
A new time-multiplexed interconnected architecture with buffering system for multi-chip CNN
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1998 5-th IEEE International Workshop on CNN and their Application (CNNA98), London, United Kingdom, 1998, pp. 391-396.
A 6x6 Cells Interconnection-oriented Programmable chip for CNN
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1998 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Vol. 15, no. 3, March 1998, pp. 239-250.
A Time-multiplexed interconnection architecture for Cellular Neural Networks
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto, L. Isidori
1998 Fourth International Conference on Neural Networks and their Applications (NEURAP 98), Marseilles, France, March, 1998, pp. 195-200.
A new CNN based Tool for an automated morphometry analysis of the corneal endothelium
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto, P. Amerini, L. Cerulli, F. Ricci
1998 Fourth International Conference on Neural Networks and their Applications (NEURAP 98), Marseilles, France, March, 1998, pp. 243-249.
A new strategy for the optimization of the interconnections in multi-chip CNN systems
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1997 1997 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA-97), Honolulu, HI, USA, Nov. 1997 (invited paper), pp. 233-236.
A CNN Analogue hardware for character recognition
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto, F.M. Favero
1997 SCS-97 International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, Iasi, Romania, Oct. 1997, pp. 101-104.
Measurement results on a hardware system for Cellular Neural Networks
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1997 International Conference on Microelectronics for Neural Networks, Evolutionary and Fuzzy Systems (MICRONEURO-97), Dresden, Germany, Sept. 1997, pp. 201-204.
A CNN algorithm for the morphometry analysis of the corneal endothelium
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto, P. Amerini, L. Cerulli, F. Ricci
1997 European Conference of Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD-97), Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 1997, pp. 148-153.
Multifont character recognition by 9x9DPCNN board
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto, F.M. Favero
1997 40-th IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Sacramento, CA, USA, Aug. 1997.
A 720 Cells Interconnection-oriented system for Cellular Neural Networks
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1997 IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS-97), Hong Kong, June 1997, pp. 681-684.
Realizzazione VLSI di Reti Neurali Cellulari
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1997 Automazione e Strumentazione - Marzo 1997, pp. 109-119.
An interconnection-oriented programmable chip for Cellular Neural Networks
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1996 International Conference NORCHIP 96, Helsinki, Finland, November 1996, pp. 203-210.
Realizzazione VLSI di Reti Neurali Cellulari
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1996 International Conference AUTOMATION-96, ANIPLA/BIAS-96, Milano, Italy, Nov. 1996, pp. 649-665.
9x9DPCNN board : a multichip approach to CNN implementation
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1996 IEEE 36-th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Ames, Iowa, USA, 1996, pp. 513-516.
6x6DPCNN: a programmable mixed analogue-digital chip for Cellular Neural Networks
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1996 4-th IEEE International Workshop on CNN and their Application, Seville, Spain, 1996, pp. 451-456.
A 9x9 multichip CNN board for Cellular Neural Networks
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1996 4-th IEEE International Workshop on CNN and their Application, Seville, Spain, 1996, pp. 261-266.
Measured Results on Cellular Neural Network by 3x3DPCNN chips: Logic Operations
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1996 8-th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON-96), Bari, Italy, May 13-16,1996, pp.638-641.
A VLSI defuzzification architecture for real time fuzzy processors
G.C. Cardarilli, M. Re , R. Lojacono, M. Salerno
1995 3rd European congress on intelligent techniques and soft computing EUFIT95, vol. 3, pp. 1810-1814, Aachen, 20-31 Aug. 1995.
Some measurement results on CNN by DPCNN chips : CCD algorithm
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1995 European Conference of Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD95), Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 1995.
RNS fast divider
G.C. Cardarilli, M. Re , R. Lojacono, M. Salerno
1995 European Conference on Circuit Theory and DEsign ECCTD95, vol. 2, pp. 675-678, Istanbul, 27-31 Aug. 1995.
The aid of simulation in the development of finite arithmetic architectures
G.C. Cardarilli, M. Re , R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, A. Salsano
1995 9th European Simulation Multiconference ESM95, vol. 1, pp 24-28, Praga, 5-7 June 1995.
DPCNN: a modular chip for large CNN arrays
M. Salerno, F. Sargeni, V. Bonaiuto
1995 IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS-95), Seattle, Washington, USA, April-May 1995, pp. 417-420.
Efficient VSLI architecture for residue to binary converter
G.C. Cardarilli, M. Re , R. Lojacono, M. Salerno
1995 in Algorithm and parallel VLSI architectures, Elsevier, 1995, pp. 109-115.
Multiplierless digital architecture for membership function evaluation
G.C. Cardarilli, M. Re , M. Salerno
1994 Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Neural Information Processing, Seoul, 17-20 Oct. 1994, vol. 2, pp. 1307-1310.
A Novel Architecture for Digitally Programmable Continuous-Time OTA-C Filters
R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1994 IEEE 37-th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Lafayette, LA, Aug. 1994.
A VLSI Implementation of a Cellular Neural Network with Programmable Control Operator
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1993 IEEE 36-th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Detroit, IL, USA, Aug. 1993.
Algoritmi per l'analisi di linee con perdite a carico non lineare
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1992 Rapporto Interno del Dip. di Ingegneria Elettronica - Università degli Studi di Roma-Tor Vergata, R-2.92, Novembre 1992.
VLSI Implementation of programmable Cellular Neural Networks
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1992 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks - 92, Brighton, U.K., 1992.
VLSI RNS Implementation of Fast IIR Filters
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1992 IEEE 35-th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Washington, DC, USA, 1992.
A Comparison among some Simulation Algorithms for Lossy Transmission Lines
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1992 European Simulation Multiconference 92 ( ESM-92), York, U.K., 1992.
Single-Chip Implementation of Real-Time RNS IIR Digital Filters
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1992 EURO ASIC - 92, Paris, France, 1992.
VLSI RNS Implementation of Wave Digital Filters
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1992 IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, 1992.
RNS Approach to Rational Linear Combinators with Large Dynamic Range
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1991 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design 1991 (ECCTD-91), Copenhagen, Denmark, 1991.
Internal Wordlenght Reduction in RNS Recursive Digital Filters
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1991 IEEE 34-th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Monterey, CA, USA, 1991.
Wordlenght Expansion of Multiplier in Modular Arithmetic
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
in Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures, edited by E.F. Deprettere, North-Holland.
Improvement of Predictive Coding in APC Speech Coders
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1990 International Conference on Signal Processing '90, Beijing, China, 1990.
An Implementation of Wave Digital Filters in Finite Arithmetic
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1990 5-th European Signal Processing Conference, Barcelona, 1990.
Search of Optimal RNS IIR Digital Filter Implementation
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1990 IEEE 33-rd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 1990.
Wordlenght expansion of multipliers in modular arithmetic
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1990 International Workshop on Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures, Pont-à-Mousson, France 1990.
A finite arithmetic implementation of recursive digital filters
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1990 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 1990.
RNS approach to full parallel linear combinator
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1990 IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 1990.
An implementation of wave digital filters in finite arithmetic
M. Salerno, G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, F. Sargeni
1990 Proc. of V European Signal Processing Conference, Barcellona, 18-21 Sept. 1990.
Reports on Acoustic Signal Processing and Speech Recognition
M. Salerno
1990 CNR - Progetto Finalizzato Madess: CAD a Architetture Roma, Giugno 1990.
Linear prediction methods for interference elimination in spead spectrum systems
A. Bernardini, M. Bernesi, M. Salerno
1990 European Transaction on Telecommunication, vol. I, n. 1, Jen.-Feb. 1990, pp. 67-78.
Expert system aided design for monolithic quartz filters
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, F. Sargeni
1989 6th Int. Symp. on Networks, Systems and Signal Processing, Zagabria, Yugoslavia, 28 June - 1 July 1989.
Simulation and design of VLSI oriented RNS architectures
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno
1989 European Simulation Multiconference 1989, Roma, 7-9 June 1989.
RNS approach to fast dividers
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno
1989 IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing, Glasgow, U.K., 23-26 May 1989.
RNS realization of fast fixed-point multipliers with large wordlengths
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno
1989 IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, Portland, USA, 9-11 May 1989.
Expert system for MQF design
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno
1989 7th IASTED Symp. on Applied Informatics, Grindelwald, Svizzera, 8-10 Feb. 1989.
CAD facilities for GaAs MMIC mask design and generation
F. Giannini, M. Salerno, G. Caggese, M. Notturno Granieri
1989 Alta Frequenza, vol. 58, n. 1, Gennaio-Febbraio 1989, pp. 39-44.
RNS adaptive lattice predictor
P. Burrascano, G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1989 IEEE Trans. on Circuit and Systems. vol. 36, n. 1, Jen. 1989, pp. 167-169.
Image parameter design of parallel coupled microstrip filters
G. Bianchi, R. Sorrentino, M. Salerno, F. Alessandri
1988 Proc. of 18th European Microwave Conf., Sept. 1988, pp. 979-984.
Progetto su base immagine di filtri passa banda a microstriscia
G. Bianchi, R. Sorrentino, M. Salerno, F. Alessandri
1988 Atti della VII Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo Applicato, Frascati, Settembre 1988, pp. 251-254.
RNS approach to adaptive Burg algorithm
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno
1988 EUROCON 88, Stoccolma, 13-15 June 1988.
Application of number theory to structurally passive digital filters
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1988 IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuit and Systems, Helsinki, 6-9 June 1988.
The planar-circuit image-parameter method: a novel approach in the computer-aided design of MIC filters
G. Forte, M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino
1988 Alta Frequenza, vol. 57, n. 5, Giugno 1988, pp. 233-239.
RNS Fourier transforms
P. Burrascano, G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1988 IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing, New York, USA, 11-14 April 1988.
Structurally passive digital filters in residue number system
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1988 IEEE Trans. on Circuit and Systems. vol. 35, n. 2, Feb. 1988, pp. 149-158.
A PC oriented GaAs MMIC layout generator
F. Giannini, M. Salerno, G. Caggese, M. Notturno Granieri
1987 Alta Frequenza, vol. 56, Ottobre 1987, pp. 333-340.
Realization of an 8-bit multiplier in residue number system
M. Salerno, G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, A. Salsano
1987 Proc. of the International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applications, L'Aquila, 23-25 Sept 1987. Also in Parallel Processing and Applications, North-Holland, 1988.
Application of number theory to structurally passive digital filters
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1987 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Parigi, 1-4 Sept. 1987.
Two-dimensional synthesis and design pf MIC filters
G. Forte, M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino
1987 Proc. of 17th European Microwave Conf., Roma, Sept. 1987, pp. 1921-1026.
Recursive digital filters in residue number system
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, A. Salsano
1987 IASTED International Symposium on Applied Control, Filtering and Signal Processing, Ginevra, Svizzera, 15-17 June 1987.
A reduced multiplier for DPS
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, M. Salerno, A. Salsano
1987 International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Firenze, 7-10 Sept. 1987.
Realization of Givens planar rotator in the residue number system
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1987 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Philadelphia, USA, 4-7 May 1987.
Design of self-checking VLSI elementary cells for DSP applications
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, S. Sacchetta, M. Salerno, A. Salsano
1987 COMP EURO 87, Hamburg, Germania, 11-15 May 1987.
Parallel architectures for VLSI full-custom devices in signal processing and sensing
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, S. Sacchetta, M. Salerno, A. Salsano
1987 COMP EURO 87, Hamburg, Germania, 11-15 May 1987.
VLSI realization of a fast multiplier in finite arithmetic
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, S. Sacchetta, M. Salerno
1987 Melecon 1987, Roma, Marzo 1987.
An user-programmable processor for digital signal processing
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, S. Sacchetta, M. Salerno, A. Salsano
1987 IASTED International Symposium on Applied Informatics, Grindelwald, Svizzera, 17-19 Feb. 1987.
Evanescent-mode bandpass waveguide filter for millimeter-waves
F. Giannini, M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino, M. Tibaldi
1987 Melecon 1987, Roma, Marzo 1987, pp. 349-351.
Progetto di filtri non commensurati a onda evanescente
F. Giannini, M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino, M. Tibaldi
1986 Atti della VI Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo Applicato, Trieste, Ottobre 1986, pp. 107-110.
PLANIM: a new concept in the design of MIC filters
M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino
1986 Electronics Letters, vol. 22, n. 20, Sept. 1986, pp. 1054-1056.
MMIC layout generation on PC
G.C. Cardarilli, F. Giannini, M. Salerno, G. Caggese, M. Notturno G.
1986 Proc. of Int. Conf. AICA, Palermo, Sept. 1986.
Optimal design of full custom cells for DSO
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, S. Sacchetta, M. Salerno, A. Salsano
1986 Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computer and their applications for development, Taormina, Sept. 1986.
Two-octave stop-band microstrip low-pass filter design using butterfly stubs
F. Giannini, M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino
1986 Proc. 16-th Europ. Microwave Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 8-12 Sept. 1986, pp. 292-297.
Digital signal transmission on power line carrier channels: an introduction
P. Burrascano, S. Cristina, M. D'Amore, M. Salerno
1986 IEEE/PES 1986 Summer Meeting, Mexico City, Mexico, July 1986.
Pipeline architecture of a prediction algorithm for submarine high resolution geophysical prospecting
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, S. Sacchetta, M. Salerno, A. Salsano
1986 Proc. of EUROCON 86, Parigi, April 1986, pp. 539-544.
Synthesis of acoustic well-logging waveforms on an irregular grid
M. Salerno, G. Orlandi, G. Martinelli, P. Burrascano
1986 Geophysical Prospecting, n. 34, March 1986, pp. 1145-1153.
Image parameter design of non-commensurate distributed structures: an application to microstrip low-pass filters
M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino, F. Giannini
1986 IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Technique, vol. MTT-34, Jen. 1986, pp. 58-65.
A custom realization of a real-time data processing system for seismic applications
G.C. Cardarilli, R. Lojacono, S. Sacchetta, M. Salerno, A. Salsano
1985 Proc. of Int. Symp. on Mini and Microcomputers and Their Applications, Montreal, Canada, June 1985.
Progetto di filtri a microstriscia con il metodo dei parametri immagine
F. Giannini, M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino
1984 Atti della V Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo Applicato, Saint Vincent, 9-12 Ottobre 1984, pp. 185-188.
Image parameter approach to the design of non-commensurate distributed filters for microwave integrated circuits
F. Giannini, M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino
1984 Proc. of 14th European Microwave Conference, Liegi, Belgio, Sept. 1984, pp. 370-375.
Microprocessor system for measuring frequency spectra and computing transient responses of a power apparatus
S. Cristina, M. D'Amore, M. Salerno
1984 IEE Proceedings, vol. 131, PtA, n. 5, July 1984, pp. 312-317.
Low-pass elliptic filters for microwave integrated circuits with octave stop-band
F. Giannini, M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino
1983 Proc. of Melecon 1983, Atene, May 1983.
Novel synthesis method of microwave integrated low-pass filters
F. Giannini, M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino
1983 Alta Frequenza, vol. 52, n. 2, Maggio 1983, pp. 194-196.
Efficient filtering with microprocessors
G. Martinelli, C.A. Rocchini, M. Salerno
1983 Alta Frequenza, vol. 52, n. 2, Marzo 1983, pp. 66-73.
Isomorphic FIR digital filters
G. Martinelli, G. Orlandi, C.A. Rocchini, M. Salerno
1983 Electronics Letters, vol. 19, n. 2, Jen. 1983, pp. 71-72.
Un nuovo metodo di sintesi di filtri integrati a microonde
F. Giannini, M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino
1982 Atti della IV Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo Applicato, Firenze, Ottobre 1982, pp. 327-329.
Design of low-pass elleptic filters by means of cascaded microstrip rectangular elements
F. Giannini, M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino
1982 IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technique, vol MTT-30, Sept. 1982, pp. 1348-1353.
Stop-band characteristics of microstrip rectangular elements
F. Giannini, M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino
1982 Proc. of 7th Microcoll, Budapest, Aug. 1982, pp. 601-604.
Digital simulation of transformer windings subject to impulse voltage
S. Cristina, M. D'Amore, M. Salerno
1982 IEE Proc. part C, Gen. Trans. Distrib. vol. 129, n. 4, July 1982, pp. 172-176.
Synthesis of low-pass elliptic filters for MIC as a class of non-commensurate distributed circuits
M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino
1982 Proc. of 1982 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symp., Dallas, June 1982, pp. 402-404.
Planar microwave low-pass elliptic filters with minimum delay characteristics
F. Giannini, M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino
1982 Proc. of 1982 International Symp. on Circuits and Systems, Roma, May 1982, pp. 949-952.
Effects of parasitics in low-pass elliptic filters for MIC
F. Giannini, M. Salerno, R. Sorrentino
1982 Electronics Letters, vol. 18, n. 7, April 1982, pp. 284-285.
Parasitic insensitive switched-capacitor filters derived by the bilinear element modelling
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1982 Alta Frequenza, vol. 51, n. 2, marzo 1982, pp. 64-70, e a Journée d'Electronique, Losanna, Oct. 1981, Proc., pp. 305-316.
Deconvoluzione del segnale sismico
G. Jacovitti, G. Martinelli, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1982 Rivista Italiana di Acustica, vol. 6, n. 4, Ottobre-Dicembre 1982, pp. 245-279.
Passive switched-capacitor low-pass filters
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1981 Alta Frequenza, vol. 50, n. 3, Maggio 1981, pp. 160-164.
A new two-dimensional gradient-adaptive algorithm for signal processing
G. Martinelli, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno, M. Turchi
1981 Alta Frequenza, vol. 50, n. 3, Maggio 1981, pp. 131-136.
Equalizzatore adattativo trasversale a passo di correzione interna ottimale. Parte III: Implementazione sul microprocessore INTEL 8080
F. Cascio, G. Martinelli, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1981 Note, Recensioni e Notizie, vol. 30, n. 1, Gennaio 1981, pp. 16-30.
Parasitic effect in switched-capacitor resonators
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1980 Proceedings of 1980 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Varsavia, Sept. 1980, vol. II.
Passive approach to switched-capacitor circuits
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1980 International Journal of Circuit THeory and Applications, vol. 8, n. 3, July 1980, pp. 325-335.
Synthesis of filters containing switched-capacitor resonators
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1980 Alta Frequenza, vol. 49, n. 3, Maggio 1980, pp. 218-223.
Switched-capacitor filters with shifted resonators
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1980 Proceedings of International Symposium on Circuit and Systems Houston, April 1980, pp. 1001-1003.
Trasmissione numerica su cavo coassiale. Volumi I e II
G. Martinelli, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1980 Ed. Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, 3.11.1980, cap. IV (pp. 387-468) e cap. VI (pp. 884-934).
Sintesi dell'equalizzatore in un collegamento numerico su cavo coassiale
R. Lucarelli, W. Maggi, G. Martinelli, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1979 Alta Frequenza, vol. 48, n. 12, Dicembre 1979, pp. 777-783.
Simplified analysis of passive switched-capacitor circuits
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1979 Alta Frequenza, vol. 48, n. 11, Novembre 1979, pp. 675-680.
Circuit approach to steady-state kinetics of multireactant enzymes
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1979 Proceedings of IV International Symposium on Network Theory, Ljubljana (YU), Sept. 1979, pp. 479-484.
Performance of the gradient adaptive equalizer with inherent optimal adjusting step in presence of noise and arithmetic errors
R. Lucarelli, G. Martinelli, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1979 Proceedings of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Tokyo, 1979, pp. 814-817.
Fondamenti di Elettrotecnica: Circuiti a costanti concentrate lineari e permanenti. Volumi I e II
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1979 Ed. Siderea, Roma, 1979.
Simplified models for simulating transfer windings subject to impulse voltage
M. D'Amore, M. Salerno
1979 IEEE PES text of abst. papers, Summer Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 1979.
Equalizzatore adattativo trasversale a passo di correzione interna ottimale. Parte II: Effetto dell'aritmetica in virgola fissa a numero limitato di cifre
R. Lucarelli, G. Martinelli, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1978 Note, Recensioni e Notizie, vol. 27, n. 4, Ottobre-Dicembre 1978, pp. 578-607.
Realizzazione di un programmatore di EPROM interaffaciabile con terminali interattivi
G. Guarrera, V. Famà, M. Salerno
1978 Note, Recensioni e Notizie, vol. 27, n. 4, Ottobre-Dicembre 1978, pp. 630-634.
Possibility of automatically acquiring the optimal adjusting step in adaptive equalizers
E. Cecchi, G. Martinelli, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1978 Proceedings of IEE, vol. 125, n. 7, July 1978.
Commutated capacitor bank as a filter resonator
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1978 Electronics Letters, vol. 14, July 1978, pp. 427-428.
Constrained synthesis for mechanical filters
G. Martinelli, G. Masiani, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1978 Proceedings of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, New York, May 1978, pp. 59-63.
Gradient adaptive equalizers with inherent optimal adjusting step
E. Cecchi, G. Martinelli, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1978 IEEE Transaction on Circuit and Systems, vol. CAS-25, March 1978, pp. 130-134.
A coaxial cable equalizer employing active distributed RC networks
W. Maggi, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1977 Electronics Letters, vol. 13, 1977, pp. 471-472.
Equalizzatore adattativo trasversale a passo di correzione interna ottimale. Parte I: Indagine numerica in trasmissione dati multilivello
O. Mazzarella, G. Martinelli, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1976 Note, Recensioni e Notizie, vol. 25, Settembre-Ottobre 1976, pp. 209-223.
Active distributed RC realization of equalizers for digital transmission systems
W. Maggi, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1976 Proceedings of II International Conference on Electronics Circuits, Praga, Sept. 1976.
Realizzazione a film sottile di reti RC distribuite a tre strati
R. Lojacono, M. Salerno
1976 Alta Frequenza, vol. 45, 1976, pp. 213-217.
Distributed RC realization of analog equalizers
R. Lojacono, M. Salerno
1976 Proceedings of 1976 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Genova 1976, pp. 209-216.
Adder errors versus multiplier errors in floating point digital filters
G. Martinelli, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1976 Proceedings of IEE, vol. 123, n. 3, March 1976, pp. 207-211.
Application of Ginsburg algorithm to channel digital adaptive equalization
E. Cecchi, G. Martinelli, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1975 Florence Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Firenze, Sept. 1975.
A synthesis method for pulse-shaping networks
G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1975 Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Network Theory, Sept. 1975, pp. 675-683, Split (YU).
Time-domain accuracy of digital filters with multiple poles
G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1975 Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Network Theory, Sept. 1975, pp. 379-387, Split (YU).
Interaction between optimization and circuit theory
F. Blasi, R. Riciniello, G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1974 International Meeting on Optimization problems in Engineering and Economics, C.S.E.I., Napoli, Dec. 1974.
Simulazione di un equalizzatore per trasmissione di dati ottenuto con il metodo di inversione
M. Salerno
1974 relazione F.U.B., 20v7, Settembre 1974.
Time-domain synthesis of Pseudo-Nyquist Filters
M. Salerno
1974 relazione F.U.B., 20v5, Agosto 1974.
Un nuovo metodo per l'analisi degli errori nei filtri digitali in virgola mobile
G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1974 Note, Recensioni e Notizie, vol. 23, n. 3-4, Maggio-Agosto 1974, pp. 393-407.
A computer simulation of coaxial cables
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1974 Proc. of 5th Microcoll, Budapest 1974, vol II, CT-16.
Reversion method for ladder digital circuit synthesis
G. Martinelli, A. Moretti, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1974 Alta Frequenza, vol. 43, 1974, pp. 896-902.
Iterative synthesis of low-sensitivity RC earthed networks
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1974 Proceedings of IEE, vol. 121, n. 7, July 1974, pp. 568-572.
Sintesi di filtri digitali in presenza di errori di arrotondamento
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno, A. Valentini
1974 Alta Frequenza, vol. 43, n. 4, April 1974, pp. 218-227.
Time-domain synthesis with Multiple-Shift-Sequence digital filters
M. Salerno
1973 Electronics Letters, vol. 9, n. 26, Dec. 1973.
Influence of component tolerance in linear network analysis
G. Martinelli, R. Riciniello, M. Salerno
1973 Proceedings of I International Conference on Electronic Circuits, Praga, Sept. 1973.
Possibilità di impiego dei metodi di ottimizzazione nell'analisi delle reti elettriche
G. Martinelli, R. Riciniello, M. Salerno
1973 Alta Frequenza, vol. 42, n. 12, 1973, pp. 647-679.
Simulazione su calcolatore numerico di un cavo coassiale come limite di una rete a fase minima
L. Giacomelli, G. Martinelli, G. Orlandi, M. Salerno
1973 Note, Recensioni e Notizie, vol. 22, n. 2-3, Marzo-Giugno 1973, pp. 145-167.
Possibilità di impiego degli elementi RC multistrato nella sintesi nel dominio del tempo
R. Colantonio, R. Lojacono, G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1972 Note, Recensioni e Notizie, vol. 21, n. 5-6, Settembre-Dicembre 1972, pp. 506- 531.
Time-division implementation of digital network sensitivity
L. Burroughs, S. Colonna, M. Salerno
1972 Electronics Letters, vol. 8, n. 24, 1972, pp. 597-599.
Sensitivity and noise comparison of RC active filters
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1972 Proceedings of N.A.T.O. Advanced Study Institute on Network and Signal Theory, Bournemouth, U.K., Sept. 1972.
Digital adaptive equalization by implementation of time-domain sensitivity functions
L. Burroughs, S. Colonna, M. Salerno
1972 Proceedings of Florence Seminar on Digital Filtering, Firenze, Sept. 1972, pp. 123-129.
Determination of sensitivity functions of digital filters
S. Colonna, U. De Julio, M. Salerno
1972 IEEE Transaction of Circuit Theory, vol. CT-19, n. 5, Sept. 1972, p. 538.
Transformation of reactive ladders into digital filters
U. De Julio, G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1972 Alta Frequenza, vol. 41, n. 6, 1972, pp. 422-434.
Analog to digital filter transformation
U. De Julio, G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1972 Proceedings of the II Symposium on Network Theory, Herzeg-Novi, Yugoslavia, July 1972.
Programma per la analisi della sensibilità di filtri a scala LC predistorti
M. Salerno
1972 relazione F.U.B., 20t7, Maggio 1972.
Descrizione del programma DASHER per la sintesi in cascata di reti RC a tre terminali
M. Salerno
1972 relazione F.U.B., 20t4, Maggio 1972.
Accurate RC realization of complex transmission zeros
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1972 Proceedings of IEE, vol. 119, n. 4, April 1972, pp. 405-408.
Analisi topologica della sensibilità di un sistema numerico
S. Colonna, U. De Julio, M. Salerno
1972 Note, Recensioni e Notizie, vol. 21, n. 1, Gennaio-Febbraio 1972, pp. 53-73.
Descrizione del programma per la sintesi controllata di zeri di trasferimento RC
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1971 relazione F.U.B., JMS5, Ottobre 1971.
Metodo iterativo convergente per l'analisi di reti lineari
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1971 Note, Recensioni e Notizie, vol. 20, n. 4, Maggio-Giugno 1971, pp. 463-478.
Sintesi della più generale classe di immettenze di più variabili con un solo elemento per ciascuna variabile
M. Salerno
1971 Alta Frequenza, vol. 40, n. 3, 1971, pp. 247-255.
Descrizione e modalità d'uso del programma ALB1, per la ricerca di tutti gli alberi di una rete elettrica
M. Salerno
1971 relazione F.U.B., JMS1, Gennaio 1971.
A physical approach to the analysis of earthed Bicommensurate URC networks
G. Martinelli, M. Salerno
1970 Electronics Letters, vol. 6, n. 11, 1970, p. 536.
Synthesis of two-port network containing several non-commensurable transmission lines
M. Salerno
1970 Proc. of 4th Microcoll, Budapest 1970, vol. II, CT-21.
Progetto e costruzione di un equalizzatore variabile, mediante un metodo di sintesi attiva di funzioni di più variabili
M. Salerno
1968 Note, Recensioni e Notizie, vol. 17, n. 4, Luglio-Agosto 1968, pp. 624-653.